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Tuesday, 9 June 2020

It wasn't a small battle - Nigerian hair stylist says as he overcomes homosexuality

It wasn't a small battle - Nigerian hair stylist says as he overcomes homosexuality lindaikejisblog A Nigerian hairstylist who says he recently "overcame" homosexuality has taken to social media to reflect on his journey.  @esedikame who stated that it wasn't an easy battle as he shared his before and after photo, stated that he is proud to say he is a repented homsexual. He further added that "sin is sin" and there should be no compromise.  He wrote;   It wasn't a small battle but God himself took out what was not his will in my life,took me from the marine place and gave me a new name.I am so proud to say that I am a Repented Homosexual. Sin is sin it should never be compromised. It wasn't a small battle - Nigerian hair stylist says as he overcomes homosexuality lindaikejisblog 1The post It wasn't a small battle - Nigerian hair stylist says as he overcomes homosexuality appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.

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